Suspend or Cancel NCE Subscription

Suspend or Cancel NCE Subscription

A Microsoft NCE subscription can be suspended or cancelled depending on your preference. If you want to temporarily suspend your customers from accessing the subscription without interrupting the billing process, you can choose the Suspend option. Instead, if you want to permanently delete the subscription and stop the billing, you can choose the Cancel option

 To suspend or cancel the subscription:

  1. Log into your marketplace account.

  2. On the left navigation pane, click My Services.

  3. From the list of services, select the Microsoft 365 service.

  4. In the Microsoft 365 page, click Subscriptions.

  5. Locate the subscription you want to edit and click the Actions dropdown to the right of the subscription.

    • Select Suspend to suspend the subscription.

    • Select Cancel to cancel the subscription.

  6. Click OK to confirm.

How to suspend or cancel NCE SUB.gif


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