How to log into the marketplace

You will be enrolled into either SSO or local login. Please reach out to your company lead or account manager if you need confirmation.

You may also log a ticket at or email


  1. Browse to your Advania Marketplace

  2. Select which option based if you are using SSO or local login. If you are unsure, review the notice section in this guide.


Local login:

  1. Enter your username, password.

  2. Click Sign In


SSO login:

  1. Select Single Sign on (SSO)

  2. There will be a block that pops up, and then enter your email address and click submit once complete.

  3. The Microsoft 365 login page will be displayed, and you will need to enter your email address, and click next. You might be required to enter your password and enter your MFA code.


Once either of the two login processes have been completed, you should be logged in and can get started with the below guides.

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