Note |
\uD83D\uDCD8 You can cancel an NCE subscription only up to 7 days after creating one. Post the 7 day window, your subscription will be locked for the set period. |
Info |
Approval required: you may see a message letting you know that there will be an approval required. This is based on value of the order, that the Advania UK Team will be required to approve. This is based on the credit value that your company has with Advania UK. You may contact your AM or log a ticket on our portal, to discuss increasing this limit. |
To create an NCE subscription:
15. Select the desired subscription end date End Date Alignment dropdown if you’d like to set the new subscription’s end date to be the same as the end date of another subscription you have. Enter link here Sheldon
Coterminosity - Align CSP Subscription End Dates
16. Click Create subscription.
The subscription is created, but it can take up to 10 minutes until it becomes active.